Brew with Aeropress
What you’ll need
Filter roast coffee
For more detailed steps…
Start boiling a kettle of fresh tap water (use filtered water or bottled water if you do not have access to soft water)
Weigh 12-14g (for 1 serving) of fresh coffee
Grind it (close to the coarseness of table salt)
Thoroughly rinse the filter paper with hot water, while placed in the filter cap, until the papery smell is gone.
Screw the filter holder onto the Aeropress and place it onto the server on the scale.
Add the coffee to the brewer.
Tare the scale.
Start the timer and slowly pour 200g of boiled water over the coffee, ensuring all grounds are wet.
Using a spoon or a spatula, gently stir the coffee.
Remove the Aeropress and the server from the scale (so it doesn’t break it when you press it!)
At 1 minute mark, insert the piston into the syringe and plunge it slowly over 30 seconds. This process should be gentle. Forcing it to plunge too quickly would cause the brew to escape around the filter paper which can cause over extraction and unwanted sediment in the cup.
Once the plunge is complete, remove the filter holder then pop the spent coffee and filter paper into the bin.
Enjoy your Aeropress brew!
Roaster's Pick for Aeropress
Because you never want to run out of coffee.